Was planning to list it for sale somewhere, but no idea what to price it at. Any idea? Is it even worth someone’s time fixing it up?

  • @over_clox
    09 months ago

    No, I have enough diagnosed brain damage already, thank you.

      • @over_clox
        09 months ago

        So you wonder why I’d rather play things safe now? Like I dunno, clean everything first before plugging it up?..

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          Actually, I wonder why you’re focusing on the cleaning aspect of this whole thread because literally nobody here cares about that, that’s not what you’re wrong about.

          What you’re wrong about is an old dirty guitar electrocuting you because it’s old and dirty.

          • @over_clox
            09 months ago

            Outside is corroded from years of humidity means inside is corroded from years of humidity as well. How much? Who the hell knows? Fuckit, let’s just plug it up and cross our fingers…

            Or maybe, just maybe, use a little lick of sense and at least open it up and look inside first. Fuck, at least look first, not like it’s rocket science to use a Phillips screwdriver to open the cover…

            • @[email protected]
              29 months ago

              Looking first isn’t what you’re wrong about, the electrocution part is what you’re wrong about.

              • @over_clox
                09 months ago

                When I see corrosion, I don’t trust where electricity goes. This is just common fucking sense to anyone that understands squat about electricity and values their life.

                Hell, even if the outside of the thing is perhaps only 3% corroded, the inside could be 33% corroded…

                Nobody knows unless they at least inspect it to start with. I mean hell, I’ve dealt with flooded cars before, you know how many of those are outright deceiving and totally ruined internally and go to scrap?

                It’s not hard to check inside of a guitar though. Is there something wrong with at least checking and cleaning it up first, inside and out?

                • @[email protected]
                  29 months ago

                  Now you’re just going in circles, rather than admit you were wrong. Specifically about the electrocution part.