Interested in seeing how other people approach their backlog. I’ve finally made a list of all the games I want to finish, and I’m forcing myself to play one of them a day for at least an hour.

As an added incentive, I’m forcing myself to wait to finish a backlog game before I can buy a new one. I’ve got a lot of playing to do between now and October.

  • @eiger
    22 years ago

    I maintain a TODO list (with tags) on GoG Galaxy and a wishlist on Steam. Whenever I want to play something new, I scroll through the TODO list and usually find a few games that I feel like playing at that moment. I hit install on a few of them, and play whatever installs first. After an hour or two, I get a feeling about the game, and decide: finish or uninstall it and remove it from TODO, or just uninstall it for another time and leave it in TODO. I rarely finish a game and put it in favorites, which I often replay. I only buy things from wishlist, if that is really what I want to play or there is a big discount. I never pre-order and I never buy impulsively.