In the “Add a pinch of sugar” thread, many of you mentioned other things you like to add to boost the flavor in your dishes - MSG, tomato powder, soy sauce, etc. What’s an ingredient you find that you love to add to dishes to improve the flavor (or aroma, texture, or maybe even the way it looks)?

I am a big fan of mushroom powder. It adds a nice boost of umami with some additional flavor that comes along for the ride. Just throw some dried mushrooms into a spice grinder and grind until powder.

  • The Giant KoreanOPM
    19 months ago

    Yes! So good! I need to go out and get some anchovy paste now.

    • theotherone
      39 months ago

      Just get decent oil packed anchovies. The fish that they use for paste are of lower quality. Deviled eggs is another dish where a bit can do some pretty heavy lifting.

      • The Giant KoreanOPM
        9 months ago

        Good call! I can def. see it in deviled eggs.