“Monster Liberty”: That’s how the otherwise excellent closed-captioning service in the auditorium at Pennridge High School interpreted “Moms for Liberty,” while one of several dozen citizens who had waited in line to lambast the group spoke at the podium. A chuckle rose up among the parents in the crowded school board meeting, held on a late August evening after the first day of classes for the Pennridge School District in suburban Bucks County, Pennsylvania. “Fair enough,” one mother whispered to another.

  • @glarf
    171 year ago

    This makes it feel even more bleak. Where is all this money coming from?! Who is funding this and how?

    • @[email protected]
      221 year ago

      The same fucks as always. Peter Theil, the Kochs, the Davos’, pick your billionaire. They didn’t become billionaires by being awesome people and y’know, bringing everyone up with them. More like, when their tide was rising, they paid goons to short leash the marina to the docks (which would sink them if the tide rose high enough).

      Who’s the squeaky wheel, who pays them and who stands to benefit.

      Its always the rich behind fascists, because 1. They don’t want the system they’re so capable of gaming to change (unless it cements their position) and B. They are assuming they’ll be above reproach if the fascists win.

      Make no mistake, every billionaire alive would sell us all, and our children, out rather than become a $900 millionaire.

      • @SCB
        01 year ago

        Davos is a city where the WEF meets, not a family of billionaires.

    • @Eldritch
      51 year ago

      Because people having tens of millions of dollars in assets is a societal failure. Let alone people having hundreds of Millions, or billions, or trillions. You don’t get to be a person that wealthy by being a good person. It requires deception theft and oppression. And it only gets exponentially worse. Because these bad people have outsized pools of resources to further damage society.

      Until we as a society place reasonable limits on personal wealth and assets this will get worse.

    • @kromem
      1 year ago


      Because why feed the poor with little ROI when you can astroturf education initiatives to increase indoctrination for $$$ in future donations?