I’d outlaw sauce bottles which make getting it all out harder, especially the ones which don’t have the opening at the bottom and make it impossible to put the bottle with the opening facing downwards.

  • @grayman
    79 months ago

    Thru is a word only in the sense that kleen, kwik, kut, tuff, chik, nite, lite, tho, etc are words. It’s called cacography or eye dialect and is the result of marketing and advertising agencies not being able to copyright common phrases. When the terms enter colloquial language, they’re still used but not copyrighted as the incorrect spelling still draws your attention.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      Through is a ridiculous way to spell something pronounced threw though. I say kick through to the curb and embrace thru.

      • @grayman
        19 months ago

        Ha ha Etymology is fascinating. English is a wild language.