Nintendo developers Eiji Aonuma and Hidemaro Fujibayashi exclusively reveal how they followed one of the best video games ever made.

  • @Raiderkev
    69 months ago

    Even though they basically just reskinned BOTW and added a new story to it, this game is still a freaking masterpiece. I’ve put in a ton of hours and still haven’t completed it. Granted, I could beat the game any time I want to, but I’m really into exploring everything, and want to get all the shrines / lightroots.

    • @shrodes
      79 months ago

      Oh man, the ending is so good, excited you get to see it for the first time. Definitely one of the best Zelda endings without question.

      • lorez
        49 months ago

        Yep! Finished it the other day, been playing it since mid May. I only have a couple of quests left. It has been a trip. The most Ghibli of Zeldas. And that ending is pure Miyazaki.