why node.js makes me uncomfortable
I’ve always programmed with php for the web and during that time I’ve never needed to download packages (like npm) and update them. When I needed a specific function, like sending emails, uploading files or making my application drier, I just had to look at the documentation and implement it. But with node.js it doesn’t work like that, and that bothers me. If I’m wrong, please correct me


  • @Pencilnoob
    21 year ago

    Node just doesn’t have as many batteries included as PHP does. Sometimes that means PHP is easier to use, other times it’s much harder.

    If you need to do something that isn’t in the built in libraries in PHP, now you’re installing packages just like in node. In my experience having worked a lot in both, in bigger projects you’ll be using a lot of third party packages in either language. That being said, I think Node has a bigger, richer ecosystem of packages to choose from.