I was making good progress until I got to the golden Lasso of Truth lol! It’s going well so far, but this part may take as long by itself as the rest of the pattern! What have you guys been up to?

  • @shalafi
    69 months ago

    This is so damned good, I’m tempted to start a new hobby.

    • Io Sapsai 🌱M
      49 months ago

      Go for it! It was life changing for me, as a person who has a hard time meditating.

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      49 months ago

      Thanks! I got this pattern from Etsy and they have tons of awesome patterns that are mostly $5-6 or less! The supplies are pretty inexpensive too, I got all my supplies at Michaels and spent around $25 and I’m still using up most of it. I just started cross stitching this year and it’s become my favorite hobby/obsession lol

    • @letter_d
      39 months ago

      Come on in the water’s fine.