I host a ton of services running behind my nginx reverse proxy (basic auth + lets encrypt). On the whole it works really well with nearly everything I throw at it. Lately, there’s been a lot of gradio/websocket/python stuff coming from the AI community like the local llama and stable diffusion stuff. Not sure what’s causing it but there’s always weird issues when I try to reverse proxy them.
Does anyone have some magic settings that “just work” with these weirdo web apps?
Not quite sure what your issues are but you do have to make sure websocket proxying is configured if the app uses it https://www.nginx.com/blog/websocket-nginx/
I also switched over to Caddy about a year ago. Got tired of messing around with scripts to make letsencrypt work. Caddy has a lot of good defaults so you don’t have to worry about setting the right headers or any websocket configurations. Its really just as simple as specifying the hostname & the reverse_proxy directive