A climate overshoot that creates warmer oceans with lower oxygen levels will reduce the suitable habitat for many marine species long after CO₂ levels have peaked and declined.
We are experiencing in some parts (europe for me) the opposite effect. Some which not went full retard and become right wing supporters, are becoming conservatives.
Even if we do not convince them. Waiting for them to die out is time we do not have.
I support your words myself yet I know that real life isnt that easy.
I’m not trying to convince conservatives. They cannot be convinced or reasoned with. We are far past attempts to negotiate.
Fighting is not a harsh enough word. Conservatives need to be completely removed from relevancy in order for global warming to be addressed.
The thing is.
We are experiencing in some parts (europe for me) the opposite effect. Some which not went full retard and become right wing supporters, are becoming conservatives.
Even if we do not convince them. Waiting for them to die out is time we do not have.
I support your words myself yet I know that real life isnt that easy.