Hello World,
Today, after careful consideration and evaluation of recent events, we have decided to defederate from Lemmygrad.
Regrettably, we have observed a significant increase in hate speech and calls to violence originating from the Lemmygrad instance. Due to the severity of the posts and comments, we are not waiting for the next Lemmy update that will allow users to block instances.
At Lemmy.world, we have always strived to foster an inclusive and welcoming user environment. However, recent posts and comments from Lemmygrad have clearly violated our server rules and, more importantly, our core values. We firmly believe that hate speech and incitement of violence have no place in our community, regardless of personal beliefs or affiliations.
As always, we encourage all users to report any content they deem inappropriate or harmful. No matter one’s stance in any conflict, Lemmy.world will always take immediate action to remove and ban any posts or comments that incite violence or propagate hatred.
We encourage everyone to continue engaging in discussions within the boundaries of respect and understanding. As we move forward with this decision, we remain committed to providing all community members with a safe and welcoming space. We appreciate your continued support and cooperation in upholding our shared principles.
Thank you,
The Lemmy.World Team
Well this is a shock, anyone know what kind of stuff they’ve said exactly?
Whatever the equivalent of a Chinese weeb is.
You can imagine the sort of stuff, capitalism is evil, the west is evil, tinneman Square never happened in fact there’s no place by that name / it was all a conspiracy by the evil West.
Basically what you get is a bunch of 12-year-olds decided that they were political commentators. They’ve looked at the world and they’re unhappy with it and clearly the solution is communism.
It would be funny, but they engage in brigading and it’s annoying. If you want to see it sign out of your account and go to the instance directly.
I’d have no issue if they were interested in actual communism instead of stalinism/maoism and their hyper capitalist successors.
I also have always been strongly of the opinion they’re all on avg, junior high kids. Mainly because I also really liked communism in junior high, but they also just sound like it usually.
Some of them are quite brilliant actually, but there’s only so much good that can do when your education is still limited.
Very similar to the existence of Nietzsche nihilists that were in my high school class back in the day. “God is dead” only gets one so far. To go beyond being an edgelord ideologue, one needs to take the next step and create one’s own meaning. And having some life experience does wonders for that.
I don’t mind the content bashing capitalism.
Where I personally had a problem was the nonstop propaganda of revisionist history of communism.
But that led to Lemmy’s problem, where the constant BS lead to violent threats to find specific people and make them pay - names including politicians and rich people. There is a fine line between “Eat the rich” and “This person needs to accidentally get shot in the back of the head 3 times”.
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What makes this conflict hard to stomach for many people is that there is no “good side”. I’m sick of the people defending and downplaying Israel’s genocide as much as I’m sick of people stating Hamas are freedom fighters that protect their kin.
Yeah the sad reality is that the entire situation is a mess and there isn’t really a good guy to root for beyond innocent civilians caught up in it. (Though you can certainly argue about who is the worst bad guy… That doesn’t make their enemy not also a bad guy.)
Yup, theirs guilt as well as innocence on either side. It’s simply hate spiraling out of control for generations. Hate in response to hate, in response to hate, in response to hate. Some say the solution is to hate on Palestinians for all sorts of reasons. Others say the solution is to hate on Israelis for all sorts of reasons. I think the hatred-solution has been tried out sufficiently now.
No one was beheading babies. Please edit your post and stop spreading disinformation. This shit is exactly what Isreal wants to justify their apartheid state.
I’m a socialist and had a short lived account over there.
It’s a bunch of “socialists” who are actually Putinists or unironic Hamas simps.
I’m absolutely pro Palestine but I absolutely abhor their views that anything that’s not western is immediately good, even when they commit atrocity.
yeah basically. My latest exchange there was on a post saying how Hamas is great and they supported the mass murder of october 7th. I tried arguing and all I got in response was “but colonialism bad”-no shit bro, so murdering innocents good ? couldn’t believe it