Rolling coal is the practice of tampering with a vehicle’s emissions control system, causing it to spew black clouds of sooty exhaust.

  • @FlowVoid
    121 year ago

    Not true, local cops can arrest someone for a federal crime. For example, lately some PDs have decided to start enforcing immigration laws.

      • @FlowVoid
        111 months ago

        States and local PDs can decide on policies, ie which crimes they want to arrest and which they will let the federal government enforce. For example some states have a policy of not enforcing federal marijuana laws. But this is just a matter of efficient use of resources. They always could arrest someone for a federal crime.

          • @FlowVoid
            111 months ago

            One important note regarding recent news from Texas: even if state police can arrest someone for a federal crime, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they can enforce other federal laws, like immigration laws.