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  • @gmtom
    911 year ago

    Not to be “that guy” but lemmygrad is not about national socialism. They are but jobs that will do Olympic level mental gymnastics routines to defend anything and everything Russia or China does, but that doesn’t make then Nazis, “just” on the same moral level as Nazis.

    • @Astroturfed
      481 year ago

      They’re tankies. Pure and simple. Sick of people calling them socialists, they aren’t even communists. They’re delusional anti-western China/Russia good, tankies.

        • @Astroturfed
          41 year ago

          Exactly. It’s almost like there’s nuance and gray area. Siding entirely with one country over another in anything is almost always a bad idea. Everything? Completely illogical.

    • @Eldritch
      21 year ago

      You’re right they aren’t Nazis. But they do want a warped form of national socialism. One that honestly goes against the basic intent of socialism as originally envisioned. Like the other national socialists.

      Leninists, Soviet Russia, North Korea, China all qualify as socialism and communism only by the flimsiest most dishonest pretenses. They are more than an anything authoritarian. Anything else is just coincidental.

    • @RaoulDook
      1 year ago

      Amazing that your comment shows +15 and -0 votes at the moment. A month ago or thereabouts I made similar comments comparing Communists to Nazis in regard to how authoritarianism is bad and people hated that shit.

      EDIT: haha there’s my downvotes, bring it on you commie dipshits. Fuck communism, fuck the CCP, fuck Russia and all the rest.

      Communists are barely better than Nazis.

      • Solar Bear
        251 year ago

        Communists are great. Authoritarians are the problem. Much like how Nazis called themselves socialists, plenty of other awful people like to adopt our words and twist them to manipulate.

      • @[email protected]
        241 year ago

        I don’t think you know what communism is and how Russia /China/etc. fail at it. Speaking as a non-communist, I I think you should seek to deepen your understanding before engaging with the topic further.

      • @TootSweet
        221 year ago

        There exist anti-authoritarian communists. (They’re called “anarchists”. Pro-capitalists have in relatively recent times appropriated the term, so don’t let them confuse you.) You’re getting downvotes because you’re conflating communism with authoritarianism just because you’ve personally never had experience with anarchists.