Centrists are signaling they’re open to a deal. Democrats are outlining terms. With no speaker in sight yet, House Republicans are ramping up their discussions about a way to reopen the chamber.

A bipartisan solution to the GOP’s leadership chaos still sounds farfetched to most on the Hill — but then, so does the idea that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) might overcome his dozens of skeptics and win a floor vote early next week.

  • @alvvayson
    221 year ago

    Would be logical, since he consistently gets the most votes.

    But I’ve been told you get primaried if you work with Democrats.

    Which makes me think… Why don’t democrats in solid Red districts register as Republicans and vote out the Maga idiots?

    Looking at those primary votes, it’s really low hanging fruit.

    And even if you register as a republican, you can still vote democratic in the election.

    • @[email protected]
      181 year ago

      So the house is the prisoners dilemma

      Democrats voting in fzvor of moderate Republicans is unfortunately self defeating in our current system. If we did a multi voting system probably every election would be between a Bernie Sanders and a Mitt Romney. Unfortunately we have a primary system that tends to reward psycho Republicans and pit them against (generally) moderate democrats.

    • @FlowVoid
      11 year ago

      Republicans already worked with Democrats, when 126 Republicans joined nearly all Democrats to avert a government shutdown.

      Note that the bill passed by a wide margin, so any Republican could have voted the other way if they thought their vote would hurt them in a primary. At this point, I think a lot of Republicans are more worried about the general than the primary.