What’s something you do that would make other people think WTF?

  • @ImpossibilityBox
    221 year ago

    Uhm, I really like laying on the floor with the largest bag of cat food/litter/dried corn/rice that I have available on my head.

      • @ImpossibilityBox
        221 year ago

        So, there was a period of time in my life where I drove 25 miles to work for 8-9 hours and then a further 55 miles to go to a full 8 hours of school.

        I had about 30-45 minutes of spare time between work and school so I would often take a nap in the back of my hatchback because I never got much sleep at night. It was fall and got surprisingly cold for the time of season. I wanted to take a nap but it was SUPER bright out and I didn’t have a blanket in my car yet so I didn’t want to take off my jacket to cover my eyes with.

        My slightly sleep deprived brain decided that instead of using my jacket as a blanket to sleep under and also cover my eyes that I would put my head under the giant bag of rice I had picked up at the store.

        It was the best, most relaxing, most refreshing nap i had ever had. Tried it again to see if it was a fluke and nope, apparently I really like a lot of formable weight on my noggin.

        • @32b99410_da5b
          11 year ago

          You could try a buckwheat pillow for your weighted face-blanket. It’s probably perfect given rice and dog food work great.

          I have a brand called Hullo, but I’ve only tried sleeping with my head on top this far…

    • NightoftheLemmy
      21 year ago

      Does the cat food/litter/dried corn/rice matter or anything that matches that consistency?

      • @ImpossibilityBox
        31 year ago

        Pretty much anything that is heavy and malleable. We have a weighted blanket that I sometimes use but it’s not really heavy enough for my liking sometimes. The cat food/dog food didn’t always work because sometimes the bag is semi-permeable and you can smell the food.

        In order of preference it is probably soil (loam or aquarium), Rice, and then sand.