• @hardcoreufo
    271 year ago

    Fruity lager.

    My friends and I used to be Four Loko fans back when it had energy drink mixed in. When that got taken off the market we replicated the feeling by drinking a 5 hour energy and a forty.

    Well one day my friend decides to pour his 5 hour energy into his forty despite our protests. He takes a big gulp and smacks his lips and says it tastes like a fruity lager.

    One by one we all pour our 5 hour energies into our forties and smack our lips and say it tastes like a fruity lager. Finally the last guy does it and takes a sip and immediately spits it out saying it tastes like ass.

    We all crack up because we all got tricked and couldn’t let the other guys not drink this nasty swill so everyone played it cool until we were all in it together.

    We still text each other Fruity Lager and crack up over a decade later.