Full IDF Spokesperson statement:

Attached is the briefing: https://IDFANC.activetrail.biz/ANC1810202362

Attached is a recording of a conversation between Hamas operatives regarding the Islamic Jihad failed rocket launch on the hospital on October 17, 2023: https://bit.ly/3S4xqiG

Attached is a visual analysis following the IAF’s examination on the subject: https://IDFANC.activetrail.biz/ANC1810156854

Attached is an infographic of all the failed rocket launches in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war: https://IDFANC.activetrail.biz/1810202309876543672

Attached is a photograph from the IDF launch identification system on the subject: https://IDFANC.activetrail.biz/ANC18102023984

Looks like evidence has been published, and at least partially verified by OSINT groups (in the linked article)

  • BraveSirZaphod
    81 year ago

    What I’m seeing pro-Israel sources saying is that the building is relatively intact and that the explosion took place in a parking lot. Given that Hamas stated “500 deaths” less than half an hour after the event, they also express some skepticism about how true the casualty count really is.

    I’ll only say that this is a total mess right now and that everything should be seen with some skepticism, especially claims that reinforce what you already believe or want to believe.