• @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    To lock her the drug addict to protect fetus is good

    do you really think putting her in jail is going to prevent her from using?

    Do you REALLY think that?

    do you really think that’s a GOOD way, better than other options, to keep her sober?

    • GreenM
      011 months ago

      Yeah i do. From where i come, if you leave drug addict on streets, they will continue their path of self-destruction regardless of their or others’ well-being.
      So most effective solution is to isolate the drug addict from the source of addiction.

      That your prisons sucks at upholding basic human rights, it’s not my fault. It’s yours for not giving a damn about it.

      There are places where prisoners get chance to work, own pet, study to become doctors, programmers and most importantly they get good healthcare as not everywhere around the globe people don’t give a damn about people behind bars.

      Also Locking her up doesn’t inevitable mean in the prison. Again difference of my background i guess. There are specialized institutions that hold drug addicts and keeps them sober long enough to give them chance to get out of the habit. I know people who went through that. I’ve visited such a place. It might be a farm with animals or house kinda reminding of those for abused women (house with multiple affected who share their experiences and live together for limited time.

      Your blinding rage just prevents you to see what’s really wrong and what should be fixed.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        Okay first of all, there are drugs in prison. That is a fact. That’s what I was talking about and what you failed to acknowledge.

        Second, I’m not the one blinded here. You are talking about “shoulds” and “ifs”. I am talking about the way things are NOW. You are advocating for sentencing her to one thing, and telling yourself it’s another.

        The reality of HER situation NOW is that incarceration is going to make things worse. You can acknowledge this and advocate for a better outcome FOR HER while still championing reform of our systems.

        • GreenM
          111 months ago


          1. I’m saying that locking her up to isolate her from drugs is better then letting her live on streets intoxicated from morning to evening. And I don’t even want to start what people desperate for the next dose do to get it.

          Also those who wronged her are working in that prison.

          And as last, don’t tell me you got no forced detox that is not in prison in Alabama - that’s where judge failed if your prison system is such anarchy and it’s supposed to be known fact.

          You are quick to rage however you fail to see what part of the equation is not working. You would make situation worse just to prove yourself. That why you are blind.