Google is rolling out its Wear OS 4 update to the original Pixel Watch. The update will bring features like Safety Check, the new Google Calendar app, improved accessibility, and more to the first-gen watch.
This battery life doesn’t work for me, but it’s consistent with the competition. Non-Ultra Apple Watches last a bit over a day, Samsung’s offerings last about two days. I switched to a Garmin because two weeks fits my wants much better and it’s just a better piece of hardware for everything I want.
This battery life doesn’t work for me, but it’s consistent with the competition. Non-Ultra Apple Watches last a bit over a day, Samsung’s offerings last about two days. I switched to a Garmin because two weeks fits my wants much better and it’s just a better piece of hardware for everything I want.
2 weeks!?! Wow!
Some of their stuff is even longer. I picked mine for running and golfing, but the more rugged lines boast over 30 days.