What’s something you do that would make other people think WTF?

  • JGrffn
    51 year ago

    I’ll one-up you, and I hope nobody I know reads this. I work from home as a web dev. I have ADHD. I sometimes work deep into the night because I procrastinate all day. I’ll be working with one hand and stroking it rock hard with another, with no real horniness or need to cum for hours. It’s just like a fidgeting thing. I’m looking at code, sleep deprived out of my mind, and somehow rock hard. I don’t get it, but I’m too stressed to care.

    • @RaspberryRobot
      111 months ago

      I also (very likely) have ADHD and used to do this when doing homework for school. I think it has something to do with keeping dopamine levels up to a neurotypical level, in order to be able to focus.