Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib refused to apologize Wednesday for saying on Tuesday that Israel is to blame for the hospital explosion that day in Gaza, an accusation that sparked political backlash against her from Republicans as Israel denies fault.

Tlaib joined thousands of protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza during a solidarity rally hosted by the left-leaning group Jewish Voice for Peace at the National Mall. She was visibly emotional, at times pausing her speech to openly weep and criticizing lawmakers who have not backed a ceasefire resolution.

  • @[email protected]
    -171 year ago

    Which I keep telling people, so far Israel has shown more restraint than any other nation which would have leveled Gaza within the first few hundred rockets. Israel is going to spend even more of its blood preforming a ground invasion. Those are innocents dying too, surely. They didn’t ask for this enemy or this war. I still support them, because there is no compromise that can be had with Hamas.

    It’s true that self-defense doesn’t give Israel the right to indiscriminately destroy all Palestinians. But, outside of the online rhetoric, it seems they’ve been very clear about the target of their war and they repeatedly are taking steps to attack that target specifically. I just read an article from a Palestinian journalist returning to her home in defiance of Israel’s warning to evacuate. These Palestinians quite literally are supporting Hamas, because they are willfully standing in front of Israel’s aimed attacks. It’s sad to see, but if I believe in Israel’s right to self-defense, it means supporting them when they destroy those who defend Hamas.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Israel is going to spend even more of its blood preforming a ground invasion.

      Those poor innocent invading soldiers trying to invade and colonize more and more land from these savage indigenous people. If only the indigenous people just accepted their fate peacefully and just give up their homes to the colonizers. They simply are the wrong ethnicity so they have to leave their houses or be shot. Not enough people consider how bad that makes the colonizers feel. Not leaving your house means you are just asking to be killed.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Israel has stated their intention to destroy Hamas, as you well know. If you cared about your cause, I’m not sure why you would lie and misrepresent what Israel is doing? You’re not going to convince anyone who doesn’t already agree with you, which is to say it’s pointless. Be mad if you want. If Israel wanted the land, they would have taken it already. If Israel wanted to destroy Gaza, they would have already. Clearly, what they want is to destroy Hamas while allowing the innocents to live. They have a right to defend themself. Sorry that hurts you.

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          There are certainly Jews that are indigenous to that region, but most of them are not.

          And in any case, why would Jews that haven’t lived there for multiple generations have more rights to the land than people actually living there?

          Can an Irish-American go to Ireland and kick people out of their houses? No! They can move there and get their own house, that’s it. Same with Jews wanting to live in Palestine. They can move there, they can’t form their own country and deport the people living there. That’s called ethnic cleansing.

          • @[email protected]
            -11 year ago

            What do you call it when you have a stated mission to kill all Jews and destroy Israel? Ethnic cleansing? Geno-what?

            Palestinians are in the position they’re in because they lost a war. When you lose, you don’t get to make demands of the victor. If they wanted peace, they could stop harboring Hamas and raising their children to want to kill Jews. If they wanted peace, they could ask for peace. With Israel, there is at least in principle, the ability to have peace. With Hamas and their charter, there can never be peace.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Edit: correction, more bombs dropped in 1 year of the war

      Israel has dropped more bombs in this latest “offensive” than in the US did in the entire war in Afghanistan.

      More restraint my hole.

      Also Israel has no right to preemptive self defence because this level of damage and the threat Israel faces would not meet the Caroline test.

      Palestine has the right to resist occupation under the Geneva convention but I don’t see any Zionists making sure that right isn’t trampled on.

      • @Copernican
        81 year ago

        Israel has dropped more bombs in this latest “offensive” than in the US did in the entire war in Afghanistan.

        I believe the bomb count is not the entire Afghanistan, but any given year of the Afghanistan war iirc that being discussed on PBS News Hour last night.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        A figure you chose specifically because it sounds extreme. What matters is not the amount of bombs, as you well know, but the damage inflicted with those bombs. If you have to resort to extremities to make your point, do you really have a point worth making?

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          It is extreme…

          4,200 murdered, 1 million people displaced all in 10 days. (From a UN article dated the 17th, probably not the current total)

          There’s an esrimated 50,000 pregnant women now without proper healthcare, never mind the those with chronic physical or mental health issues.

          The general population facing lack essentials like food and water.

          Did no one tell you it’s cringe to defend fascist states or does that boot taste nice?

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            And again, perhaps more than that die in the long run when terrorists are capitulated with. Your calls for a ceasefire are to be understood exactly as a call for Israel to return to suffering under hundreds of rockets per day and the threat of another invasion and raping of their people. You demand everyone stop fighting while not acknowledging that at least one of the parties has made the full commitment to destroy the other, no compromises. You ask for peace because it’s easier to ask for peace than to fight for it.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              You’re putting words in my moyth, we both agree that a ceasefire is not a solution as the injustice will just continue.

              We disagree on solution though, Israel is the occupier and will kill or displace 2 million Palestinians as soon as it can. We didn’t let the Nazi state or fascist italy exist after the war. We now look back and consider Rhodesia and apartheid SA to be bad. The same applies to treatment of natives by most other colonising nations.

              Israel is on the wrong side of history and like all fascist and colonising states it should be torn down.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                If Israel wanted to kill 2 million people, they wouldn’t tell them to evacuate south. They would just destroy Gaza. Get over yourself. Clearly Israel is at least trying to somewhat minimize damages, but you can’t even admit to that. You have to paint them as genocidal maniacs, completely ignoring Hamas and what they’ve done. You’re not going to convince anyone by lying.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  I said kill OR displace 2 million, they don’t need to kill to commit war crimes or ethnic cleansing.

                  Israel also bombed the supposedly safe route to the south, so there goes the whole benevolent state lie.

                  Israel doesn’t minimise damages, it in fact calls for the most extreme revenge against Palestine and minimises the media coverage when it blows back against them.

                  No matter what hamas has done it can’t be allowed to deflect from Israeli crimes, Israel has been called out by the UN for committing genocide.

                  The fact you compare a terrorist organisation to a state that should be expected to be held to a higher set of standards is pretty damming to that state.

                  • @[email protected]
                    011 months ago

                    Israel also bombed the supposedly safe >route to the south, so there goes the >whole benevolent state lie.

                    Did they? Or did Hamas? If it was Israel, do you know why they did it? How are you getting access to that information?

                    Israel doesn’t minimise damages, it in >fact calls for the most extreme revenge >against Palestine and minimises the >media coverage when it blows back >against them.

                    Is Gaza still there or did they destroy it? Still there? Oh, okay. Is it extreme revenge to spend a week telling civilians to evacuate? Is it extreme to spend the blood of your own soldiers in a ground invasion to destroy an enemy that has sworn to never stop attacking you?

                    No matter what hamas has done it can’t >be allowed to deflect from Israeli crimes, >Israel has been called out by the UN for >committing genocide.

                    So you’re literally excusing terrorism now. At least you took your mask off.

                    The fact you compare a terrorist >organisation to a state that should be >expected to be held to a higher set of >standards is pretty damming to that >state.

                    Well they did wait until they were attacked. There’s a reason all of these events are happening right now. Remember what happened on the 7th? Who was responsible for that?

      • @FarmTaco
        01 year ago

        you’re right, there should be no preemptive self defense, they should wait for hamas to slaughter hundreds and hundreds of their citizens before bombing anyone.

      • @ghostdoggtv
        -11 year ago

        If zionists cared about human rights, they wouldn’t be trying to re-settle the “holy” land