• @[email protected]
    09 months ago

    I think Corporate America can handle up to 10% productivity hit for the welfare and happiness of their employees. The work will still get done.

    Ultimately I agree. I explicitly said that we need to stop pretending that it’s better in all ways, and that we need to have an honest discussion to balance the needs of the individual with productivity.

    You keep moving the goal posts.


    Also I love how you spent more time complaining about the length of my post than actually making a point.

    If you want thoughtless black and white sound bites, I’m probably not the type of person you want to be having discussions with.

    • Cosmic Cleric
      19 months ago

      Also I love how you spent more time complaining about the length of my post than actually making a point.

      Oh I’ve made points, you’ve just been ignoring them, causing me to have to repeat myself to make my point.

      If you want thoughtless black and white sound bites, I’m probably not the type of person you want to be having discussions with.

      I want intellectually honest conversations with real human beings. I don’t have to agree with them, but I don’t want to be wasting my time either.

      • @[email protected]
        09 months ago

        Oh I’ve made points, you’ve just been ignoring them, causing me to have to repeat myself to make my point.

        lol. No one said you didn’t make a point. And I certainly did not ignore them. Only that you dedicated far more of your post to whining about post length.

        I want intellectually honest conversations with real human beings.

        I can see from some of your other responses in here, including to me, that this is your go-to. It’s nothing more than an empty ad hominem to avoid actually addressing points. Sorry.

        • Cosmic Cleric
          19 months ago

          I can see from some of your other responses in here, including to me, that this is your go-to. It’s nothing more than an empty ad hominem to avoid actually addressing points. Sorry.

          You are dancing around like crazy. Every point I bring up, instead of you discussing it, you move on to something else about me, trying to kill the messenger.

          If you’re being intellectually honest, and if you actually have read some of my other posts, you’d see it’s definitely not an ad hominem, it’s actually what I believe in, so I express it often.

          I hate shills and bots, and corporations trying to redirect the narrative away from the truth to serve their own selfish needs, polluting the conversation.

          And when I see shills doing that, by signaling via some of their tells, I call them on it.

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            Every point I bring up, instead of you discussing it,

            Name the point I ignored. I’m happy to address the point.

            If you’re being intellectually honest, and if you actually have read some of my other posts, you’d see it’s definitely not an ad hominem, it’s actually what I believe in, so I express it often.

            Whether you believe it or not doesn’t change the fact that it’s, quite literally, an ad hominem. You might not realize it and it’s just a defense mechanism to avoid facing the fact that you can’t really defend your position. But it still is exactly that.

            And when I see shills doing that, by signaling via some of their tells, I call them on it.

            Correction: when you can’t actually defend your position, you just throw that out so you don’t actually have to defend your position.

            • Cosmic Cleric
              9 months ago

              Name the point I ignored. I’m happy to address the point.

              Honestly, at this point, I’d have to just point you back up to my first reply to your comment. You’ve moved the goalposts several times from when we started discussing WFH for employees (and not companies).

              You are using multiple argumentative techniques to not have to concede a point, and not being intellectually honest in this conversation. We’ve drifted FAR away from the original topic of WFH.

              At this point, I’d rather not waste any more of my time on this, but just instead point you back to our first comments and have you take a look at the like/dislike ratios, they are telling (though I’m sure you’re ignore/excuse those away as well).

              • @[email protected]
                09 months ago

                Honestly, at this point, I’d have to just point you back up to my first reply to your comment. You’ve moved the goalposts several times from when we started discussing WFH for employees (and not companies).

                When given an opportunity to make your point, you offer up nothing but vagueness. You see what you hate in yourself in me, but I assure you you are really just seeing yourself.

                Also lol @ “like ratios” proving correctness.

                • Cosmic Cleric
                  19 months ago

                  You see what you hate in yourself in me, but I assure you you are really just seeing yourself.


                  Whatever lets you sleep at night. Have a good day.