• @ayyndrew
    22 years ago

    I think I saw something about Google allowing greater customisation of the share sheet for apps, hopefully this pushes some apps to move to the native sheet instead of making their own one to add special sharing options.

    Then again, YouTube has its own share sheet but it has zero added functionality to justify it, so who knows ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    • @Rebollito
      12 years ago

      I see app developers abusing any freedoms they are given within the native share sheet in the same way that some of them use text under their icons different from their apps’ names, messing things up further. Like (totally made up now but serves as an example) having a video player app called X that reads “View this video with X now” under their icon in the share sheet whenever you share a video file.