In the past months development of Kbin slowly came to a halt, development was bottlenecked by a single maintainer. I have tried several times to start a discussion about the way of working and trying to address the problems and to come up with a plan to keep development doing and more importantly keep contributors happy!

Despite all of this; no response on Matrix and nothing has really changed at Kbin. I saw the project slowly dying over the past months, and I couldn’t let this happen. That’s why I decided to fork the project called Mbin. I wanted to avoid a fork initially, but I didn’t saw any way out.

Mbin is community-focused fork, build upon trust and embracing the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4).

Despite the fact I’m the creator of Mbin, I am NOT the only maintainer, several contributors already have owner rights on the GitHub organization as well as on the Matrix Space and Weblate. We are all maintainers, we peer-review each other’s code and are allowed to merge pull requests from other external contributors and our own. The community of Mbin will now decide what will be picked-up and resolved, what will be merged or not. The community is in charge. And I am “just” another contributor, following the C4 rules.

Mbin development has been accelerated tremendously over just one week time. With tons of improvements in GUI, backend, security and documentation. We have great internal discussions and a friendly community. We work as a team, sharing knowledge and helping each other out. We review and test our code changes together, we all feel responsible. I think all this is the real reason why I created the fork; it’s about the people and about empowerment.

Various instances already migrated towards Mbin, see: Mbin is backwards compatible with kbin, so migration should be straight forward and easy.

Success story: Jerry almost gave up, if it weren’t for Mbin, we would already have lost a big federated instance (I genuinely didn’t know he was about to give up). Luckily the fork gave him hope. And hopefully I gave everybody hope again.

  • @fishos
    -511 months ago

    Oh look, it’s the guy who wanted to be the super hero developer who solves everything and everyone worships. But all the projects you’ve joined have “excluded” you. And then you post long rants about how “no one knows what they’re doing and if they really wanted to progress, they’d listen to ME!”. And now decide “screw you all, I’m building my own fork! With blackjack and hookers!”

    Yeah, hard pass.

      • @fishos
        -511 months ago

        The planet where this guy claims he’s a “core” kbin developer but somehow no one listens to him at all, excludes him from meetings, and now he has to make his own fork to finally have the control he desires.

        • melroyOPM
          211 months ago

          There were no meetings to begin with. Hence the problem of all of this.

          • @fishos
            -111 months ago

            Again, no meetings that they wanted you involved in. Which, again, due to how you handle everything, seems to be a “you” problem and not a “them” problem.

            Ever hear the phrase, “if you smell shit all day, check your shoes”? Check your shoes, champ.

        • @zeppo
          11 months ago

          So what? If someone wants to fork code, great. Go ahead. That’s the entire concept of a free software license.

          • @fishos
            11 months ago

            Publically ranting and trying to drag your dirty laundry out to try and shame the other developers into giving you a bigger role isn’t something I want in a developer. He is free to form his own code. And I’m free to look at his past behaviour and think “nah, I don’t want to work with you”(which seems to be a common trend with those who deal with him).

            • @zeppo
              11 months ago

              I see what you mean, I guess. I wasn’t aware of any previous trauma or drama. Developers not always getting along is common with open source projects - and it’s the cause of many decisions to fork. Look at Linus, for instance… he’s super happy to tell anyone to fuck off on the mailing list, but he has obviously very successful projects.

              I have not been following kbin development, but while it’s a great project it does seem to me that Ernest has way more than enough to do.

              • @fishos
                11 months ago

                Ernest is just melroy here has been claiming “core kbin developer” status for all of kbin, that he’s part of the “” team but excluded(so join his instance kbin.melroy instead)and now he’s heading the mbin fork because no one in either team “listens to him or includes him in meetings/group chats”. Melroy constantly fudges his worth and credentials. He’s somehow simultaneously “core/vital” and “ignore/excluded”. Which is it? Sounds like he’s only “core” in his own mind. Every time he has a problem with his teams, he posts publically in various communities to complain to regular users about how unfair he’s treated.

                Melroy is a drama queen.

            • melroyOPM
              311 months ago

              It’s not about me anymore. Mbin isn’t about me either. I just helped the community forward, if you don’t agree that is fine. I don’t care.

              • @fishos
                -111 months ago

                “It’s not about me, it’s about saving this for the community” is the exact thing you claimed in your last rant and it looks just as desperate here as it did there.

    • @hesusingthespiritbomb
      211 months ago

      Okay but is he telling the truth about there being a single maintainer for kbin

      • @fishos
        12 months ago

        9 months to reply? Jesus man, how bored are you?

      • @Serinus
        511 months ago

        Wow, it took all of three comments to bring out your true personality.

        • @fishos
          211 months ago

          Dude gives me 14 year old edgelord/PC Master Race/Xbox Master Race vibes.

      • @fishos
        -111 months ago

        Advocating the fediverse and then trying to use someone’s home instance as an attack? That’s your response? Really shows how childish you are.

        But yeah, I’ll bite. Didn’t really like the kbin experience, even though I signed up there first. Which since you’re a “core developer”, means it’s at least partially your fault, right? I’ve had a much better Lemmy experience all around. Especially with a working API so apps work. When is your fork gonna have API support? Cus as it stands, even your fork is still subpar to my current Lemmy experience, and thanks to federation, I can see your posts anyways if I want, so really, no reason to use your fork at all. Especially not if you’re going to be the power tripping admin. People left reddit for exactly that reason.