Howdy folks, hope you are all curled up tonight or having a heart warming dram, do let us know!

  • @linzid83
    21 year ago

    Hope you’re home safe and sound now.

    • @OlapOPM
      21 year ago

      Aye, we are noo. Fantastic sooth o Pitlochry. Sunshine an licht winds. Low, haird tae drive in sunshine o course, but sunny an welcumed onyway

      Busy day the morn, birthday parties, in-laws, parents, and a sibling (mibbes). Chuist wannae sclimb a hill though. Ah reckon a hauf day in order this week or next, got sum tae youse up

      • @linzid83
        21 year ago

        Aww is it one of the kids birthdays?? Definitely take a half day!! Have a great time! I’m in-service tomorrow so at least it should be quite easy going!