Howdy folks, hope you are all curled up tonight or having a heart warming dram, do let us know!
A lovely week off work! No one hit me, kicked me, spat on me or swore at me!!! I braved going to the dentist, visited my gran, caught up with friends and went out a walk or two with the dog! Out for dinner tomorrow and a chilled Sunday on the cards! Enjoy your weekend folks xx
Sounds ideal. Actual cards on Sunday? Play any games with your s/o?
No games, just some dancing! I’m not great at the dancing but I am definitely bad at quickstep, so going for a wee extra practice today!!
Thread’s up early as ah’m oot later. Storm’s nae bad in Caithness, but travellin back through an orange the morn, wish us luck!
Been a braw week o beaches, swimmin, an ww2 site seein: auld airfields, bombed out streets, an a POW camp.
Rugby world cup semis this weekend tae, micht e’en cheer fer Engerland (or at least nae cheer gainst them…) the moro nicht. And the all-michty Shinty-hurling is back the morn finally tae! Mon Alba!
You sound like you’ve had a great time!! Be careful on your drive home tomorrow.
Nice and slow, staying sober the nicht so we can get on the road nice and early too
Did you get back safely??
Still on the road. They’re pretty bad. Detours, abandoned vehicles and closures
Hope you’re home safe and sound now.
Aye, we are noo. Fantastic sooth o Pitlochry. Sunshine an licht winds. Low, haird tae drive in sunshine o course, but sunny an welcumed onyway
Busy day the morn, birthday parties, in-laws, parents, and a sibling (mibbes). Chuist wannae sclimb a hill though. Ah reckon a hauf day in order this week or next, got sum tae youse up
Aww is it one of the kids birthdays?? Definitely take a half day!! Have a great time! I’m in-service tomorrow so at least it should be quite easy going!