Muslim and Arab Americans say their support was critical to Biden’s winning Michigan in 2020. Some warn they won’t back him again over his blanket support for Israel.

  • @rifugee
    811 months ago

    It seems that many commenters in this thread did not read the article, which said that many are going to leave the top of the ticket blank, aka abstain from the presidential vote, while many are going to vote 3rd party.

    Not voting for Biden does not automatically mean a vote for Trumpty Dumpty, or whomever ends up with the nomination (unlikely it won’t be him, I know, but after 2016, I don’t take anything for granted).

    • donuts
      11 months ago

      Not voting for Biden does not automatically mean a vote for Trumpty Dumpty

      The older I get, the more sick and tired I get of people making this flawed argument…

      Pop quiz: In a tug-of-war, what happens when people on the left decide to let go of the rope?

      American elections are just like a tug-of-war, between the Democrats (on the left) and the Republicans (on the right). And in that type of game you’re either pulling the rope towards your side or giving up ground. Whether we like it or not, by the design of the American political system itself there are two viable teams, and if you don’t support the team that’s generally pulling in your direction, then you are making it that much easier for the other team to pull the country further away from what you want.

      Side note: if we dislike that American politics boils down to 2 teams we can fix that by voting for people or measures that improve the system itself, like Ranked-Choice or STAR voting.

      In other words, it’s just plain stupid not to vote. Votes are power, and just like the rope, every inch of power that one side concedes will end up in the hands of the other side. And we’ve seen what happens when the wrong people get power, time and again: corruption, war, pandemic, erosion of human and civil rights, economic crashes, failure of governance, and so on.

      If you care about which side wins the tug of war, you’d better pull the damn rope. And please, if you decide to let go, don’t feign surprise and upset at the very obvious results.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      Leaving the ticket blank is for people who truly don’t know what they want, and people who don’t understand how elections work.