Hi. I have just started my journey. How do I direct incoming traffic to my minipc? I have received a static ip from my isp but their router does not have any settings exposed to end users. Is this possible to do without touching the router?

Edit: Thanks all for valuable feedbacks. The router they provided had a different superadmin account which had the settings like NAT, DMZ etc. Also it is able to work in bridge mode. So I can add my own router if I need some additional functionality. Will be tinkering a lot in coming days. So hopefully, I get some more insights into it.

  • Giddy
    21 year ago

    Sorry just re-read your post. So the router they supplied does not have this setting? What make and model is it?

    • @droidfoneOP
      11 year ago

      Thanks. I updated the post with more info. Its an unknown local brand which modifies chinese product. Some settings are still in chinese and there is no documentation.

    • @AtmaJnana
      11 year ago

      Not sure about OP. Altice/Suddenlink doesn’t let you have access. The garbage modem/router/wifi combo they send out is locked down and they won’t give you access to the admin interface. Shitty comoany.