
  • @Boddhisatva
    11 months ago

    Yeah, she just pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy with him. That confession alone voids attorney/client privilege.

    • @Cort
      611 months ago

      Ah so it’s more like:

      Step 1: attorney/client privilege no longer applies due to guilty plea.

      Step 2: disown

      • @Boddhisatva
        411 months ago

        I can’t see how it’d help him, though. She was in the meetings. She has (or at least had) the texts and emails. Her testimony could crucify Trump in court. Which would be fitting considering that the MAGA folks seem to think he’s the second coming.

        Also, if she gives prosecutors a hard time and fails to turn over evidence or testify honestly, she could end up screwing up her bargain and be worse off than before.

        • @CADmonkey
          411 months ago

          Her testimony could crucify Trump in court.

          I’m assuming this is what got her a plea deal, but of course I’m an internet rando and I don’t know for sure.