Remember, the social Democrats sided with the Nazis over the socialists. They’ve done it every time they’ve been given the opportunity, and will continue to do so as many times as people fall for their shtick.

“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house."
-Audre Lorde

  • @EpicFailGuy
    411 months ago

    I found this interesting tidbit in Wikipedia trying to find where I read my source.

    • Capitalism 1.0 during the 19th century entailed largely unregulated markets with a minimal role for the state (aside from national defense, and protecting property rights)

    • Capitalism 2.0 during the post-World War II years entailed Keynesianism, a substantial role for the state in regulating markets, and strong welfare states

    • Capitalism 2.1 entailed a combination of unregulated markets, globalization, and various national obligations by states

    You’re right … It sounds like we need another paradigm shift. Fuck web 3 … we need Capitalism 3 …

    • @[email protected]
      1211 months ago

      Or how about we just stop using capitalism?

      If version 1.0 didn’t work, version 2.0 didn’t work and version 2.1 didn’t work, then maybe the problem is capitalism itself.

    • DarkenLM
      411 months ago

      Given Web 3 was a shithole of a collective delusion, maybe don’t.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      or we finally move past capitalism. It had 200 years, and it just keeps generating worse and worse crises, let’s just finally accept it’s not working.

      • @EpicFailGuy
        211 months ago

        not a bad idea, what is your suggestion? Socialism seems to be working well for the European people, but we’d need some kind of check and balance so it doesn’t descend into the clusterfuck they seem to be going thru (not unlike ours)