Document Isaac Herzog said showed Hamas intended to stage a chemical weapons attack is an al-Qaeda biography of World Trade Center attacker Ramzi Yousef

  • SilverserenOP
    1 year ago

    “A document presented by Israeli President Isaac Herzog as proof that Hamas intended to develop chemical weapons is actually an amateur biography of World Trade Center attacker Ramzi Yousef and contains no instructions on how to develop chemical weapons.”

    "“It’s al-Qaeda material. Official al-Qaeda material. We are dealing with ISIS, al-Qaeda and Hamas. And in this material there were instructions on how to produce chemical weapons,” Herzog said of the document.

    “This is how shocking the situation is where we’re looking at the instructions that are given on how to operate and how to create a kind of non-professional chemical weapon with cyanide.”"

    “Readily available on the internet, the 30-page book contains no instructions on how to make chemical weapons but makes reference to the Kuwait-born Yousef’s life working for al-Qaeda, especially his role in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center.”

    I see Israel is continuing the tradition of incredibly dumb and easily debunkable propaganda. And outside of Arabic-related news sources, I see no other media reporting on this that’s actually noting said propaganda, but is instead taking Herzog’s statement at face value.

    • Bernie Ecclestoned
      31 year ago

      In trying to verify the image of the bomb, Sky News has spoken to Aimen Dean, a former member of al Qaeda who turned against the terrorist group and became an MI6 spy. He helped create a poison bomb known as the mubtakkar.

      He said: “I can confirm this is the exact diagram from a 2003 secret document written by an al Qaeda cell I was infiltrating in Saudi Arabia between 2002 and 2005.”

      • SilverserenOP
        121 year ago

        Is that referring to the second image that Herzog showed? The one that’s been publicly available since 2005 for everyone to see?

        The one Sky News themselves have had full photos available of in their articles for years?

        The one that everyone made fun of as dumb and not possible to work?

        • Bernie Ecclestoned
          41 year ago

          Yes. It’s not really surprising for a Sunni Muslim terrorist to have Islamist terrorist reading materials is it?

          • SilverserenOP
            101 year ago

            Why are you assuming any Hamas person had any of these documents on them? I’m putting money on Herzog pushing some complete made up bullshit. Which fits with past evidence of really obvious made up bullshit Israel has pushed at the UN.

            • Bernie Ecclestoned
              1 year ago

              It seems plausible. The propaganda is that these were step by step instructions, which they weren’t, so there was no plan for a chemical weapons attack.

              The facts as they are are bad enough, they don’t need to embellish like this.

        • TinyPizza
          41 year ago

          This somehow feels like the scene in “You don’t mess with the Zohan” where Rob Schneider buys Neosporin and throws it at a window expecting it to explode. You know middle east peace is impossible when such brilliance as Adam Sandler can’t even crack that nut. Kinda unrelated but worth mentioning, Rob Schneider sure turned out to be a piece of shit.