• TheHolm
      011 months ago

      It is about giving special voice to first nation which is race. It is clear as day.

      • @StorminNorman
        211 months ago

        Let’s flip this a bit. How would you feel if women made decisions about how men should live their life, but not consult them to see if this would help them or make life difficult for them? That’s all the voice was going to do. It wasn’t going to make it’s own laws or anything like that. It would always be the politicians elected by the general public that was going to do that. It was about making things level for first nations people’s. You keep saying you want everyone in Australia to be treated the same, THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE VOICE YOU DICKHEAD.

        • TheHolm
          011 months ago

          It may be a point but it uses unacceptable methods. If voice was about , “let’s give any deprived people more voice” ( and define how it is actually will work) i would vote yes.

          • @StorminNorman
            11 months ago

            It was defined. Just because you swallowed the media bullshit and didn’t bother to look into the issue yourself doesn’t make you superior. If anything, it makes you inferior. And don’t say you did, you’ve already expressed surprise when someone linked you elsewhere in this thread.

            And what unacceptable methods? A fucking panel is unacceptable? Dear fucking Christ, we’re not talking about apartheid here, despite what you may think.

            How about this, what if we decided that people who immigrate to Australia don’t get the right to have equal representation in govt when it comes to matters of immigration? Would you have come here? No, because the system wouldn’t be fair for you. That’s what happens with our first nations people’s. They don’t get a fair say in things that effect them. And that’s wrong.

            No wonder you moved here, were mostly racist, so you fit right in.

            • TheHolm
              011 months ago

              Differences is. First nation people has exactly same right as anyone else. They already have representation via normal election.

              • @StorminNorman
                111 months ago

                No. They don’t have normal representation via normal election. This has been proven numerous times. Since the Morrison govt. It’s the whole reason the voice was proposed. Do you think people just went “I’m bored, let’s cause a stir”. No. This was based on facts, something you’ve decided to completely ignore.

                • TheHolm
                  111 months ago

                  From top of my head they are 3.8% of population. So they should be heard for that 3.8%. And about Ignored, I’m not claiming it is wrong, but could you please provide some references.