• @AllonzeeLV
    11 months ago

    I love that humanity is trying to treat climate change like it handles any other problem, through denial, deceit, and minimization, as if it were another human on human issue like genocide, assassination, or the like that we could message the messaging of.

    Climate change is a fact though. It can’t be bribed, tossed into a black site, redacted, bargained with, or threatened into playing ball with the global capitalist machine.

    It’s just a reality of physics, the inevitable reaction to our careless actions we were warned about by the scientists we systematically discredited, ignored, and buried over decades. Our reverse terraforming of this planet to be less hospitable to human life is a blackhole of indifference to any and all of our pathetic human con-man fuckery, and it warms my heart to see the reality of our own habitat basically telling our infinitely entitled, self-important species “no.”

    I have sympathy for all the non-human life that is and will continue to suffer it, but us humans? Unless you’ve been getting arrested trying to sabatage petrochemical pipelines, you and I got nothing to say. We’re fucked, and we deserve to be fucked.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      I kind of agree with your premise, but there’s a huge caveat here: climate change will impact different people around the world on different time frames. Generally, the poorest people, the ones that least contributed to the problem, will be the first ones to suffer the most. This creates a perverse incentive for wealthy people to treat this like you mentioned and minimize the public’s understanding of the coming impacts, because it helps keep their gravy trains going for a while longer.

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      I agree. I’m not a huge fan of the idea of there being some sort of cosmic natural order in the universe, but if there is, we have fucked it sideways. And it’s not like we don’t have the capacity and intellect as a species to solve the problem of climate change. We’re just too lazy and greedy to actually do it.

    • @Eheran
      -211 months ago

      The problem is that humans will have “no” problem adapting to climate change. The issue is everything else, nature can not just turn the AC up/down.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        A pretty dramatic exaggeration to say humans will have no problem. Climate change causes many problems beyond direct heat exposure. And even in that specific example, the vast majority of the world, particularly in the hottest climates, does not have AC.

        But yes, the natural world will be even worse affected.