• @bob_wiley
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • spaceghoti
      29 months ago

      They think they’re tough enough and scary enough to get people to turn away rather than risk getting shot or beat up. They’re consumed by fantasies of strong man authoritarianism.

    • @CascadianGiraffe
      19 months ago

      A real answer?

      Start enough problems that your polling place closes. So does the next closest one.

      How many hours do you plan to spend voting that night? What happens when there isn’t any place close to vote?

      They don’t expect to “win” this way. They just want to disrupt and dismantle the system.

    • @daltotron
      19 months ago

      Adding on, the ideal for them is that they can egg on enough people that someone responds to their hostility and they can then escalate. After this back and forth turns a couple times, blam, now you have some actual violence taking place, but then the police aren’t going to do jack shit because they “dunno who’s right”. And in any case, who are the police gonna crack down on harder, a bunch of good old boys, whose politics they probably agree with, or some random person, probably a minority?

      If the police end up doing anything significant, then it’s likely that the polling place closes, and then they’ve won.