The Swiss People’s Party (SVP), which centered its campaign on anti-immigrant rhetoric, is projected to win 29 percent of the vote, up from 25.6 percent four years ago and higher than pre-election polls. It has been the country’s largest party since 2003.

  • @madcaesar
    311 months ago

    You’ve perfectly demonstrated the validity of my argument and why we are the left losing this argument. You’re basically accusing me of being alt right or fuck else who knows, because I believe this issue isn’t just let anyone in who wants to get in.

    It’s idiotic I even have to say this, but one glance at my comment history shows that I’m not some both sides dickhead.

    Again, it’s sad I even have to point this out, but here we are.

    I’ve always said with immigration, bring your heritage, your cultures, your customs your food, but they MUST not conflict with values of liberty and equality for all.

    The fact that this is controversial to you just shows how warped a person’s thinking and perspective can become in the persuit of pc culture.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      I’m accusing you of being a center-left “smart Democrat” who blames right wing radicalization of the populace based on deep seated and enduring prejudices on “progressives”. I did briefly look at your comment history and just a page in you’re once again making a straw man about progressives while prefacing it with “I’m as liberal as it gets”. And all while capping this response with a “PC culture” complaint that’s more or less saying “woke mind virus”. It’s basically just early Bill Maherism.

      And I’ll reiterate again that your blame the left comment for anti-immigrant prejudice is in response to an article where none of the immigration positions of the left parties were even mentioned.

      • @madcaesar
        311 months ago

        No. I blame us losing to right wing candidates by making idiotic stands that do not appeal to regular people.

        Saying open borders anyone can come in just won’t fly. Hell, if it won’t fly with someone like me who’s more left than average it has no chance of succeeding.

        So you can’t scratch your head and wonder why are the crazy rights winning, when you couldn’t even get liberal people on board.

        I don’t know if we are talking past each other, I’m simply saying there needs to be solid requirements for immigration.

        Requirements that defend freedom and autonomy for everyone. We don’t need to tap dance around the fact that religion in general, but Islam in particular does not have a good track record here.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          No one says any of those things!

          You just make up progressive positions to be angry about, mirroring the right wing arguments in the process, while complaining about out of control PC culture like a 90s Third Way Democrat trying to prove they’re not one of those crazy liberals who wants to make crime legal for minorities.