• Dangdoggo
    2411 months ago

    Get it’s ass in gear? Apple has been actively fighting RtR and expandability in every way and only ‘supported’ the last RtR bill in Cali because they already had a circumvention in place using versioning. This is the exact same thing, PR gets to say they’re carbon neutral while they pump the exact same amount of CO2 into the air each year. It’s not just bad practice it’s deceitful.

    • HeartyBeast
      -411 months ago

      I don’t think so. If you look at the manufacturing of the latest watch, they clearly have taken steps to reduce the carbon emissions. But not enough to claim carbon neutral.

      • Sjmarf
        411 months ago

        I don’t see why you’re being downvoted - whilst a significant portion of Apple’s claimed ‘carbon neutrality’ can indeed be attributed to carbon offsets, they have also made changes in other areas. Here’s a graph from Apple’s climate report that shows the supposed change in emissions between last year and this year’s watches.
