I’m so absolutely sick of it.

  • El Barto
    -211 months ago

    No, it isn’t, you have no proof of the “no rent only” future you’re so sure is waiting for us.

    • @Maalus
      311 months ago

      Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof - you are the one claiming the “rent only” future is comming and that people should “just buy the game” instead of going for gamepass. I don’t have to debunk your insane claims, the burden of proof is on you.

      • @thantik
        -211 months ago

        2 of us have literally provided the proof. Yet you’re still here screaming “Slippery slope fallacy!”…

        Yet we’ve shown you existing markets which are already there. We’ve already provided the proof.

        • @Maalus
          311 months ago

          You haven’t provided proof. You just repeated your claims and expected people to react differently this time. I’ll just stop replying to this thread if you don’t mind. I dislike arguing with people who don’t have anything sensible to say.