• @[email protected]
    18 months ago

    I-5 corridor is very blue, then you’ve got deer hunting backwoods rednecks on the peninsula to the west and rural farmers to the east on the other side of the mountains

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Even around the interstate you’ve got plenty of people flying flags on their houses and their trucks. It’s funny, the fascists where I live have abandoned their Trump 2024 flags for No step on snek. I guess they figure he doesn’t trigger the libs as much with one foot in a jail cell. Or maybe against all odds they grew a sense of shame.

      • @jaybone
        18 months ago

        What is mo step on snek?

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          The Gadsden flag, notable for the text “Don’t tread on me,” on a yellow flag with a coiled snake in the center. It’s popular with cishet white male alt-righters and libertarians who feel persecuted for whatever reason. People use the phrase “No step on snek” with a cartoonish snake illustration to mock the idea that the most privileged groups today would ever compare themselves to the people of the American revolution who fought and died under this banner.

          • @jaybone
            18 months ago

            Thanks. I know the phrase. I never heard the snek version.