Republicans have at long last elected a House speaker: Representative Mike Johnson, a fundamentalist Christian who was also once called a key “architect” in Congress’s efforts to overthrow the 2020 election.

Johnson finally secured the speaker’s gavel after Republican infighting left the House without a speaker for 22 days. He secured 220 votes.

Johnson is a four-term congressman representing Louisiana. His win also represents the rise of the MAGA front in the Republican Party. Earlier Wednesday morning, Donald Trump endorsed Johnson as House speaker—after quickly killing Mike Emmer’s nomination the day before.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    I’ve run in largely Christian circles for most of my life, and that’s how the conservative Christians I know have been talking about communism as long as I can remember, that its most important feature is that it’s atheistic. I don’t think it’s actually indicative of any change or advancement of their position. Also, I’m pretty sure the GOP is technically less Christian now than it’s ever been.

    • BarqsHasBite
      8 months ago

      That’s not what he’s focused on imo. I think he emphasized the religiousness of the US.