A law under consideration by the German parliament would mean that people who have committed anti-Semitic acts can never be granted citizenship, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Wednesday.

  • @ShroOmeric
    -2511 months ago

    I wondet if there will be a point when German people will decide to take bavk their auto-determination from the hands of Israel. They’re acting like a colony, pretty pathetic for an european country if you ask me.

    • @Mrkawfee
      311 months ago

      That’s never going to happen. Because of Holocaust guilt Germany has to cuck itself for Israel indefinitely.

    • @[email protected]
      -311 months ago

      Hamas is all about blood and soil and killing Jews. You may want to continue pretending they’re a scrappy band of freedom fighters but that’s only because you’re stuck in an information silo. At this point people that support Hamas are anti-semitic, there’s no way to rationalize out support for an organization that purposefully murders Jewish children. It’s just pure anti-semitism, the mask is gone now.

      • Deceptichum
        1411 months ago

        I think you’ll find the majority of us are against both Israel and Hamas, instead siding with Palestinians.

        • @saltesc
          1111 months ago

          Yup. May as well be asking who I’m going for in the Islamic State vs Taliban conflict.

          “Obviously, neither.”

          “Oh, so you support terrorism, then?!”

          “Fucking, wot?”

      • @filister
        1211 months ago

        I don’t think people here are supporting Hamas, but guess what, most probably Israel has killed way more children and babies than Hamas.

        But we cannot call people who support the current government of Israel as anti-humanists, as we will automatically be called anti-Semites.

        Do you see now where the problem stands, it boils down to your double standards, where you say civilian lives matter only on one side of the conflict and your refusal to admit that the other side is even more complicit.

        And as Antonio Gutierrez said those killings are not happening in a vacuum. Palestinians are subject to years of repression by various Israelian governments.

        And I don’t hate Jews, I know some and most of them are great human beings. But I also happen to know some Arabs and even Palestinians who are also great people. I don’t condemn or generalise people based on their religion or ethnicity. I condemn people based on their actions and reactions.

      • @[email protected]
        -211 months ago

        What’s also important to remember is that huge amounts of money floods into Palestine from antisemitic Arab countries like Iran, all the training and materials to build tunnels and rockets and organize scuba and paraglider attacks - that’s not given to help people, they could take all those people out and build them a city for a fraction of the cost of the conflict - but of course they won’t do that, they don’t want to help the people they want the people there and suffering as a justification for the conflict.

        The people controlling the anti Israel side have no desire for a friendly solution, certainly in Iran the recent protests and other issues put them in a situation were having an enemy to rally against is exactly what they need.

        When people act like Israel should just stop fighting Palestine it totally ignores the reality that the second they drop security measures they’ll get attacked, attacks funded by people that would hate to see Palestinians and Jews working together and being friends.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        -511 months ago

        Both things can be true at the same time. They’re freedom fighters and terrorists.

        • @SCB
          2111 months ago

          Hamas very explicitly is fighting for an extremist Muslim caliphate, which is essentially the opposite of freedom. They also literally banned elections, which is pretty telling

          The PLO is significantly more on the “freedom fighters” side of the spectrum.

          • NoneOfUrBusiness
            11 months ago

            They’re fighting against Israeli occupation, which makes them freedom fighters; they’re also a dictatorship and terrorists. The PLO is more on the freedom side, but they’re not fighting in any sense of the word (they’re basically running a Bantustan these days).