Kelly Roskam of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions discusses a Supreme Court case that will decide if a federal law prohibiting possession of firearms by people subject to domestic violence protection orders is constitutional

  • @Doomsider
    11 months ago

    If you get caught drunk driving your license is revoked before your day in court. There are many instances of society restricting rights before your day in court. Perhaps no one should ever be in jail by your logic before being convicted.

    • Jeremy [Iowa]
      011 months ago

      As the other person highlighted that is a restriction on a thing which is quite the opposite of a constitutionally-protected right.

      You might want to brush up on the difference between the two subjects.

      • @Doomsider
        011 months ago

        So your saying that freedom from detention is not constitutionally protected? I am getting a little sick of these constitutional revisionist and 2nd amendment nutters.