This is a little guide to show you how to setup a small container dedicated to an i2p router such as i2pd. This allows for a central router for all your clients on your LAN for example.

Read the guide

i2pd Alpine Setup Script

  • Possibly linux
    21 year ago

    You need to setup the proxy setting in i2p and Firefox. Keep in mind that you can’t just browse the web like a normal we browser as you can only visit i2p sites.

    In i2p go into settings and allow proxy traffic from lan.

    In Firefox go into your proxy settings and point your browser to i2p. I forgot what port but you can look it up online.

    Sorry for the vague instructions but I haven’t done this in a while.

    • @CAVOKM
      21 year ago

      Semi-true. There is an outproxy available so you can surf the normal Web, if you want. With a manual setup you might have to configure your machine for it though.