It’s game day, c/NBA! I’ll put this placeholder game thread for now, hopefully while waiting for the NBA_BOT to generate the official thread.

Post-match summary:

Los Angeles Lakers 20 34 26 27 107
Denver Nuggets 34 29 24 32 119

Box score

  • @pobautistaOP
    11 year ago

    Sounds great! I’m definitely up for it :-) Though I would like to coordinate with @[email protected] to avoid any potential double posts, since I really liked his format

    • @Hurts
      21 year ago

      Modded you, but yeah if you and rezz want to take the lead on that and figure it out go for it. I sent rezz I reply earlier about another bot that some of my other communities was using before that one also died, but I had to github link so maybe they will be able to figure it out