My first one was a Samsung Galaxy S1 that I got in 2013 and it was a great little device that was easy to open up and repair. It had only 512MB of RAM but that was plenty for basic phone needs, web browsing and running some Android apps like AnkiDroid at the time.

  • @TheInsane42
    311 months ago

    I got a Samsung S2 in 2013 I guess. Was from my employer, where I could choose between that phone and an iPhone, which would cost me extra (and I had to return the iPhone when leaving, withiut reinbursment). I rooted the S2 pretty soon after I got it to be able to install Titanium Backup.

    I wish I had the phone still, but just before I left the charge port failed and I got a battered one from an ex colleague. On peaving I could buy it, which I would have done with the original, but not the write-off I got.