I recently found out about shiori. It’s absolutely great and does exactly what I need, exactly how I need it.

The only problem is, that it was conceived a single user CLI app it does not have any proper user separation and I kind of need it.

I wanted to create at least 3 archives: one for myself, one for my girlfriend and a public one to share with my students. I definitely don’t want these three mixing.

Does anyone have any experience hosting shiori for multiple users? Do you believe there is a way to do that on bare metal, without resorting to VMs or Docker?

  • @SheeEttin
    58 months ago


    I assume you’re running it as a web app, in which case the docs cover that. Just run multiple instances on different ports and with different storage.

    Looks like they provide an official docker container, too, so running it in docker should be very easy.

      • @SheeEttin
        28 months ago

        The only one the docs mention is SHIORI_DIR, which defaults to ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/shiori, so if you’re running it under different users then it’s already going to be different.