A Ukrainian soldier in Washington, DC told Insider he’s using his break from the front lines of the war against Russia to educate US lawmakers.

  • @money_loo
    11 months ago

    I’m no economist, I apologize, it went like this:

    During the 1970s, as Americans sat in long gas lines and watched the economy tank, they faced another crisis: an unprecedented shortage of dairy products. In 1973, dairy prices shot up 30 percent as the price of other foods inflated. When the government tried to intervene, prices fell so low that the dairy industry balked. Then, in 1977, under President Jimmy Carter, the government set a new subsidy policy that poured $2 billion into the dairy industry in just four years.

    Suddenly, dairy farmers who had been hurting were flush with cash—and producing as much milk as they could in order to take advantage of government support. The government purchased the milk dairy farmers couldn’t sell and began to process it into cheese, butter and dehydrated milk powder.

    So they were struggling due to inflation, and the government was buying their products to prop them up for the time.

    • @cyd
      211 months ago

      If the policy was simply meant to address a shortage of dairy products in the market, the government should not have ended up with mountains of cheese that had to be given away.

      • @money_loo
        111 months ago

        You’re correct, I updated the post with better info. Thank you for keeping it accurate.