A Ukrainian soldier in Washington, DC told Insider he’s using his break from the front lines of the war against Russia to educate US lawmakers.

  • @SCB
    1 year ago

    They know the benefits of aid aren’t going to the American workers

    They literally do though. It feels like you’re conflating government purchases and like, tax breaks. Those aren’t the same thing at all

    Gov makes big purchases:

    • company fills larger order
    • suppliers make money from selling the additional supplies
    • Multiple manufacturers make money because of how manufacturing works in interrelated ways
    • employees get OT, new jobs, raises, bonuses, etc all the way up the chain
    • employees spend that additional money, on haircuts and in restaurants, and on jet skis, and all kinds of shit

    Whereas with tax breaks:

    • CEO keeps more of what he already makes
    • specialized industries get some smaller amount of money, lowering the velocity of the money “spent” due to fewer employees and lack of scale in material needs
    • that’s kind of it
    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      You ignore the part of suppressed wages and denial of benefits. The average American worker does not receive the benefits of the aid

      • @SCB
        01 year ago

        That is nonsensical.