A PRRI survey out Wednesday shows that nearly a quarter of Americans support political violence heading into the 2024 presidential election, as an overwhelming majority believe democracy is at risk.

  • @SalamendaciousOP
    11 months ago

    I wouldn’t even know how to research that. I’d completely agree that the absolute vast majority of political violence is from the right but support of violence had risen across the board. More republicans support it (33%) than Democrats (13%) but independents support has risen too (22%).

    • @hperrin
      711 months ago

      You could start by reading what the FBI says about it.

      • @SalamendaciousOP
        -511 months ago

        Do you have a link? What I’ve been thinking about in my own head, for a while now, is if this is a leading indicator of future events or is this a flash in the pan. Republicans are much more like to commit violence and support violence but across the board the support of political violence has risen among all political persuasions.

        • @hperrin
          411 months ago

          I don’t. You’ll have to look for it.

          Here’s something from Reuters though:


          much of today’s political violence is aimed at people – and most of the deadly outbursts tracked by Reuters have come from the right. Of the 14 fatal political attacks since the Capitol riot in which the perpetrator or suspect had a clear partisan leaning, 13 were right-wing assailants. One was on the left.

          • @SalamendaciousOP
            111 months ago

            That’s a really good article.

            Some academics call this mindset America’s new “political sectarianism,” in which each party demonizes the other as traitorous enemies.

            Stood out to me personally.

            Their statistics of 20% matches what I’ve seen of 33%, 22%, & 13% percent of Republicans, independents, & Democrats respectively who support political violence. If you look in my comment history you’ll see that I repeatedly say Republicans are the source of the vast amount political violence. I really didn’t write my thoughts out as well as I could have but what I’ve been thinking about is how this acceptance has been on the rise and what could happen if it continues to rise. What if in five years it’s 40%, 30%, & 20%?