Lol. Suggesting visiting a dentist makes me an “Internet MD” now, defensive much?
A quick google suggests that chocolate shouldn’t make your teeth hurt unless they are decaying 🤢, but getting defensive is easier I suppose; Enjoy the pain each time you bite into something sweet.
Any other prescriptions for me, Internet MD?
Lol. Suggesting visiting a dentist makes me an “Internet MD” now, defensive much?
A quick google suggests that chocolate shouldn’t make your teeth hurt unless they are decaying 🤢, but getting defensive is easier I suppose; Enjoy the pain each time you bite into something sweet.
You’ve got no clue what you’re talking about, but go ahead and keep googling random shit and telling strangers what to do 😂
I post my problems online for strangers to read, but get defensive when I’m given suggestions on how to fix it. I swear I’m not a troll.
Enjoy the tooth pain 😁.
Enjoy being an insufferable twat
Crybaby, but your teeth hurt so I can understand why.