I often wonder how the general population will react when they truly realize the impacts of climate change. I’d imagine there could be three reactions:

  • Apathy, as in completely shutting down
  • Panic, as in severe mental breakdown
  • Action, protesting etc

Now that I think of it these are the fight, flight, freeze reactions. Any thoughts?

  • @RightHandOfIkaros
    911 months ago

    The only way to solve climate change is to make it more profitable for businesses than pollution. That’s it. That’s the only way that humans can solve the problem.

    As with 95% of human problems, it comes down to eradicating greed. Which is a problem humanity can never solve. As long as humans exist, greed will cause them to mistreat other humans and anything else that stands between them and whatever they are greedy for. Power, money, posessions, whatever.